Metal Detecting and Treasure Hunting

Is a Metal Detecting Site Ever Truly Hunted Out

If there is one myth in this hobby that needs to be debunked, it is that a metal detecting site is ever truly “hunted out” by a single detector running with a single coil.  There is no such thing as far as I am concerned.  In fact, I take it as a personal challenge to show the people making that statement just how wrong they are.  

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The Angry Metal Detector Hobbyist

I once read a post in a metal detecting forum where a user was so furious with his brand new metal detector, that he threw it into the nearby lake after a day of no credible finds.  The first thing that comes to mind is that hopefully his detector was waterproof.  The second thing is that he could probably use a bit of anger management.  Unfortunately for this fellow, the detector was not waterproof, and it did not seem like he would have control of his anger anytime soon since he was in his late 60’s (according to his detecting partner who was telling the story).  


As somebody who takes pride in being calm, cool, and collected in times of despair, I simply could not relate to his actions or what he was feeling.  To be so angry that you destroy a brand new metal detector in anger?  Bonkers.  I just shook my head at my computer monitor and felt sorry for the guy.  Perhaps a small chuckle escaped me.  It was a slightly humorous the way the author portrayed the events of the day.

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The Best Metal Detecting Advice

I once read in a metal detecting forum, that nobody should be giving advice if they have been in the hobby for less than 10 years.  A ridiculous statement that made me laugh out loud.  Only a complete fool would think that is logical.  What was even worse, is that a couple of other veterans agreed with this completely silly idea.


Looking over their post history in the forums, one of them had recently stated that a single button pin pointer “confused” him.  The other was asking the difference between a concentric and DD coil just a month before.  While these are not metal detecting 101 subjects covered in the first day of class, they are the equivalent of an auto mechanic not knowing how to change a spark plug.

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Metal Detecting Terminology 101

If you are just entering the fantastic hobby of metal detecting - there is a decent chance that confusion has landed in your lap once or twice.   With all of the terminology and definitions thrown about the forums and websites, it is a wonder that anybody makes it from novice to veteran status.  


Ground balancing?  Sure, I can go outside and stand on one foot.

Sensitivity?  I’m a pretty tough guy.

Threshold?  I have one on every door in my house.


The way some veterans throw around terms like they are common household names, it’s easy to see how somebody who is not well versed in the hobby can become frustrated and confused.

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The History of Metal Detecting - A Crash Course

If you are thinking about joining the hobby of metal detecting, or even if you have already been enjoying the hobby for quite some time, you have probably wondered about the history of metal detecting at one point or another.  You have most likely seen pictures of the older analog detectors used in the 70’s and 80’s.  Perhaps wondering how such heavy monsters were ever wielded.  The lightweight digital detectors of today being true advancements in ergonomics and technology.  


But what about the detectors before that?  What are the roots of this hobby?   

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Top Three Metal Detectors For Kids

There is no denying the fact that we live in an advanced technological age.  From smart cars to smartphones, just about everything has a micro-processor or computer chip ready to make our lives easier. Want to file a stack of paperwork that would take weeks or months in the past?  It now takes a matter of hours with the latest computer database.   How about a pocket full of Dimes in case you need to pull over to make a phone call?   Forget that nonsense! We now have cell phones that double as computers right in the palm of our hand.


There is no denying the fact that having technology in our lives can be a wonderful thing.  Just ask anybody who has had their life saved by modern medicine.  Not a single one will say they wish they had a doctor with 1800’s technology performing the diagnosis and procedure.  Just ask anybody who has been stranded on the side of the road.  Nobody will say they would rather walk 10 miles to the nearest payphone instead of using the cell phone in their pocket.  


However, like most things in life, there is always the other side of the coin.  


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Accessories Every Metal Detecting Hobbyist Needs

Keep it simple or make it complicated.  Those are the two routes that most metal detecting hobbyists seem to take. Some of us like to have more gear than a special forces operative ready for battle, while others like the bare minimum.  I have seen detectorists in forums and YouTube channels who carry three to four different styles of hand diggers with them, while others have one digger for every type of soil. There does not seem to be much gray area.  It is either one extreme or the other.


Either way you look at it however, there is one truth for both sides.  If you don’t have the right tool for the job, the job cannot be completed.  Or at the very least becomes more difficult to complete.   


So with that in mind, we are going to take a look at a plethora of accessories that a metal detectorist needs to have in his kit, depending on the scenario.


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The Teknetics Tek-Point

If you have been metal detecting without a handheld pin-pointer, you probably have a pretty good grasp of what frustration feels like.  Trying to find a dirt encrusted coin that is the same color as the dirt in your plug, can be a maddening experience for rookies and veterans alike.   


Dig a plug - sweep the coil - dig some more - sweep some more - dig even more - sweep even more.  Rinse-and-repeat until you are ready to wrap your detector around a tree.  


It does not take a genius to realize that the faster you recover a target, the more treasure you are putting in your pouch.  It would probably be a safe bet to say using a pinpointer can decrease target recovery time by a factor of 3 to 4.  


Good thing for you, as there is a brand new pinpointer in town ready to cut those recovery times down dramatically.

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