Why Metal Detectors Make a Great Gift

The air is getting cooler.  The nights are getting longer.  The leaves are brown and falling from the trees.  While most of you are packing your tents and camping gear away for the winter, some of you are just now getting them out so you can be first in line at the local shopping mall.  Yes, it is already that time of year again.  The holiday shopping season is upon us.

 If you are like many shoppers, you struggle to find the “perfect gift” for Christmas.  You most likely settle on something with the hopes it won’t make it to the trash bin by New Years.  Socks for dad and Uncle Bob.  Perfume for mom and Aunt Martha. Perhaps Vitamin D for the kids, since they forgot what sunlight is thanks to last year’s cellphones and videos games.

It’s time to reboot the system and think outside of the box.  It’s time to get your family back outside, and enjoying time together again.  It’s time to bring back that sense of wonder and fulfillment into your lives.  It’s time for that new hobby you have been searching for but never found. 

It’s time for...a metal detector! 

The metal detector is a fantastic gift for the simple fact that it has no age limit.  Smaller children love the idea of adventures and treasure hunting.  Teenagers love having new technology to play with.  Adults love the idea of finding silver rings and gold nuggets.  There is a detector for every age group of your family.  Children - teenagers - adults!  

Let’s take a look at the perfect detector for each member of the family...

Keeping the smaller children full of excitement and wonder is great for their developing brains.  They already love to go out and play in the dirt.   Why not give them a treat at the end of those holes they dig! 

Metal detectors like the Bounty Hunter Junior TID are a perfect fit.  This detector has 3 tones and 3 Emoji faces to tell your child if there is treasure or trash under the coil.  A fantastic idea that puts a smiley face on your children as well. 

The sad face (low tone) means there is most likely iron or trash under the coil.   The quizzical face (mid tone) tells them there might be trash OR treasure available since gold AND pull-tabs fall into this category.  While the happy face (high tone) tells them they have a very good chance of finding a coin or silver ring!


Once they get a little older, your child will be in the pre-teen and teenager category, which means they will need to step up a level from the smiley faces. Teknetics has you covered here too. The Teknetics Digitek is geared specifically for teenagers.  It has a shorter coil shaft for perfect balance, and cool face-plate graphics the teens will absolutely love. 

Have no fear that they will outgrow this detector anytime soon.  It is based off the same technology that runs the adult metal detectors.  It has a menu system where they can discriminate out unwanted categories like foil and pull-tabs.  It also has an adjustable volume and a pin-pointing button to narrow down exactly where the target is under the coil. 

We are off to a great start here!  You have the smaller kids all set and ready to go.  We have the teenagers in your life back outdoors and off the videos games.  Now it is time to focus on you adults! 


Adult detectors like the Teknetics T2 will send dad and uncle into the wild to find lost relics.  The T2 one of the most trusted and proven metal detectors to ever be produced, has multiple tones, easy to use menu and a single knob and button to navigate it with.


If dad is more into coin shooting local parks and schools - perhaps the Teknetics “Greek Series” of metal detectors are more suited for him.  Teknetics makes four fantastic detectors; Alpha - Delta - Gamma and Omega.  Each one, a step up in technology and options - and each one is well known to be great performers.   


We didn’t forget about you mom.  While you can always use the detectors from the Greek series mentioned above - or even the T2 - we know you like to have your own flair that is different from dad or uncle.   Introducing the pink camo version of the Teknetics G2+ !



This amazing detector does it all.  From gold nuggets to coins and back to relics.  It even comes with a backlight for when you want to stay out longer than the sun does!

So there you have it shoppers!  Stop worrying about this holiday season and go buy metal detectors as your gifts!   It is a life changing hobby that will get your loved ones outside - on their feet - interested in history and better yet, your family will have fun together! 

Who could ask for better gifts than that!